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The library of broken bones

The library of broken bones

I had been searching for that place all of my life, but when I finally found it the first thing that I felt was disappointment. The legends spoke about a majestic temple, but instead, there was only a field of debris. I was expecting giant gold statues, not filthy ruins; magnificent books, not useless ashes. But little did I know, I was only looking at a mere mask. The true Library of broken bones was hidden beneath. I can’t describe how frustrated I was at first, but when I found that hole, I knew that the gods were smiling upon me. It was pitch black. I didn’t know what was lurking in that deep cave, but I felt the urge to go down. «All the answers must be there,» I thought, and I was right. 

I darted into the shadows. My steps echoed on the rocks, they were the only sound I could hear. But finally, after what seemed thousands of miles, a faint light glimmered in the distance. I reached it and I gasped. I had never seen anything so dreadfully beautiful. I couldn’t believe it, even I was starting to think it was only a legend. But it wasn’t, it was right in front of me. 

It was nothing like the myths. I couldn’t see the end of the room. The columns that held the vault could be millions. The ceiling was a mosaic of skulls. Their ivory color glint with the spheres of light held by floating bone hands. A glittering layer of white dust covered the floor. Everyone would have found it unsettling, but not me. In my eyes it was gorgeous. 

I was there for a reason. All the knowledge of humanity was kept in there, but I desired only one thing. I ran to a shelf. My hands were quivering when I picked up a book. The cover was made of skin, the text was carved to reveal bloody red flesh. I skimmed the first pages and I was shocked. That was the memory of a man that had lived in the great Era of the Green Empire. That was his body, transmuted into a book. His soul had left him to reincarnate, but all the memories had been left behind too. 

The knowledge of humanity was not the things yet to be discovered. It was the past of every man that walked on this earth. My thirst for answers was finally quenched. Mine was only a desperate desire, I wanted to know how to get you back. But now I know that it is impossible. Even in the greatest place ever created, there wasn’t the secret on how to defeat the almighty death. But there was a lot more than that. I couldn’t bear the thought of being forgotten by you. But now I know that memory is eternal, even without a soul. I could finally rest, but first I needed to find your book. That was the place where I wanted to spend the rest of my time. Reading what once was the person I loved the most.

Michel Costantini

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